Tuesday, July 5, 2011

Crayon Stained Glass

Equipment: wax paper, crayons, pencil sharpener, iron, black construction paper

Objective: fine motor skills

Description: Sharpen different colored crayons, making sure to seperate the different colored shavings. Put the shavings in between 2 peices of wax paper (putting like colors together, so they dont just all blend in with one another) Iron the top wax paper. It should melt the crayon shavings. Cut out a design in the middle of a black peice of construction paper. Do the same design on another peice of construction paper. Put the wax paper with the melted crazyon shavings in between the 2 peices of construction paper. Looks great in a window!

(Source: http://www.recreationtherapy.com)

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